Armenian Nursing Home of Aleppo

The Armenian Nursing Home of Aleppo, Syria is under the joint auspices of the following denominations: the Armenian Orthodox, Armenian Catholic, and Armenian Evangelical churches.  A board of directors runs the home.

Armenian Missionary Association of Canada (AMAC) has been receiving donations since AMAC’s inception in 1984, designated to help the Nursing Home meet its financial responsibilities.

There are 30 seniors residing in the building. The occupants are under the care of a doctor who visits them three times during the week.  When surgery is needed, arrangements are made with specialists, who sometimes even operate on patients free of charge.

There are altogether twelve employees: ten fulltime and two part-time (the Doctor and the Accountant).

The Nursing Home’s Board of Directors gratefully acknowledged the humanitarian assistance of health and nutritional supplies received from the Republic of Armenia. Spiritual nutrition for the seniors is provided with the co-operation of the three sponsoring denominations, in the chapel of the Nursing Home.

Social Service Committees, women’s groups, and youth groups visit the Nursing Home during special celebratory dates (e.g. Christmas, Easter, Genocide Memorial Day), sharing goodies and smiles, bringing joy to our Senior Citizens.