The AMAC is pleased to inform its friends that the Armenian Evangelical Church of Cambridge held an AMAA-AMAC Sunday on November 19, 2023. Harout Nercessian, AMAA Representative in Canada delivered the sermon, entitled “The Blessing of blessing” (Օրհնելու օրհնութիւնը) based on Luke5:1-11. He underscored God’s expectation that we distribute his blessings to others and that this would amplify the effect of the blessings on us.

Following the service, Harout Nercessian made a 20-minute presentation of AMAA-AMAC’s various outreach ministries around the globe. He focused on the organization’s efforts to help the people of Artsakh restore and re-establish their shattered lives in their new homeland, Armenia.

The AMAA Representative expressed his gratitude to the congregation for their continued support and partnership with the AMAC.

Following the presentation, many approached the AMAA table to ask questions, obtain flyers, sponsor children and make donations.

The Armenian Missionary Association of Canada thanks the Armenian Evangelical Church of Cambridge for organizing this event.